Posted on : 18-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 16-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : Features
As a developer GameArts are known most for their work on the wondrous Grandia games as well as their input to the Silpheed series, but they’ve also produced a rather well wrought selection of mecha games too.
Specifically, the four Gungriffon games that have graced multiple consoles over the years. These games pre-date From Software’s perennial Armored Core series but due to a number of factors, both cultural and financial, the games have never quite garnered the appreciation they so sorely deserved.
This is not to say that the Gungriffon games haven’t been critically lauded over the years but they haven’t reached the broader appeal that something like Heavy Gear did for instance, despite both series sharing similar base rulesets for the mecha. Amusingly, the design of mecha themselves has often been mistakenly attributed to be Western in origin, despite the obvious linkages to Ryosuke Takahashi’s VOTOMS series, something that again Heavy Gear shares. As such, we’ll delve into the series as a whole and examine what has made these games remain such a cult hit.

This happened a few months back but a shrewd VJ by the name of Bonsajo re-purposed an old Steel Battalion controller for his VJing. It’s impressively done and makes a lot of sense considering how many buttons the device had, so you could pre-bake multiple inputs off that for quick access. Plus, it also looks pretty cool when all the buttons light up. In any case, Bonsajo uploaded some videos of the kit in action.

Posted on : 14-11-2009 | By : Tollmaster | In : News
Hardware: PC
Posted on : 13-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 13-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

The upcoming DS bound Super Robot Wars Original Generation spin-off Endless Frontier Exceed has been given a new promo video. This is more your traditional RPG fare, rather than the turn based strategy that the series is normally based around. The big difference with the Endless Frontier games is also how they depict the human characters in game, as they’re not disembodied pilots. Considering that this doesn’t use licensed mecha, like its precursor, Exceed will most probably get a Western release at some point. The game is released on February 25th next year but there is also a limited edition version that offers a soundtrack CD, artbook and additional software features (of which the latter are currently secret).

Posted on : 12-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : Reviews
Posted on : 11-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : Reviews
Before the inevitable functional paradigm shift that would occur to take into account an increase in hardware potency, From Software released the last of the traditional Armored Core games on the PlayStation 2. It was a swan song for the series as players knew it, as the newer versions would be functionally very different from this point onwards. Entitled Last Raven, it featured a complex branching narrative occurring over a 24 hour period where the entire world was going to hell in a hand basket. The point of the game was for the player to survive the 24 hours to literally become the last Raven left alive.
Now, I’ve played these games since 1997. Some have been good, others bad and a few completely brilliant. However, it’s safe to say that I know how to play these games as you’d think I’d have had enough practice by now? Wrong. Like every Armored Core game before it the skill set required to just survive changes both subtly and profoundly between each game. Last Raven is no exception as even after thrashing the entirety of Ninebreaker, with all of its 150 Gold medals acquired for each of its training programs, the final entry to the PlayStation 2 Armored Core pantheon promptly blew me into oblivion on the first mission. That’s right, the first mission in the game. Even with all my parts and, what I’d thought to be, a suitably uber AC configuration I still got obliterated. This is why Last Raven is no ordinary Armored Core game.

Posted on : 10-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News