Posted on : 09-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Whilst we’re still waiting for an all singing and dancing promo video showing actual gameplay footage for Super Robot Wars Z 2, Banpresto have partially jumped the gun with a short commercial with a few snippets of animation. As you’d expect, it looks rather wondrous and Ichirou Mizuki’s voiceover coupled with Gurren Lagann pwnage is a potent combination indeed.

Posted on : 09-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 08-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Books
Posted on : 07-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

After all the hubbub of last week over the re-announced Armored Core V, the official site has been suitably renovated. Whilst the site shows the same trailer and set of screenshots revealed last week, it does cast some interesting light on a few other things. For one, on load the site offers an English language option; something that never happened with any of the previous games. This is a massive shift for the series, as it shows that right up front that both From Software and Bandai Namco are pitching this worldwide from the off. The other elements that are worth noting, bar the blog and Twitter feed, is that the coupon campaign (via the rather dire Armored Core Last Raven Portable) is still valid. So for those that bought the Japanese version of the game, the coupon still applies. This means that a week prior to the game’s release you will start receiving DLC codes for exclusive parts.
Still no word on a concrete release date but both GameWatch and 4Gamer have joined the PR fray this week, so now that the cat is out of the bag expect more regular updates.
Update: In line with the obvious global focus for ACV’s PR, there’s now an official Facebook page for the game. Apart from the screenshots, there are some lovely scans of the new AC designs too.

What with Wonder Festival 2011 Winter going on, a bunch of places online have been reporting the event. Whilst the unnerving majority of the figures being shown are of scantily clad ladies, there are also still a fair few mecha on display. Specifically the announcement of a RIOBOT figure of Detonator Orgun, that was featured in Super Robot Wars W, to the somewhat more niche Cloud Breaker 01 kit from Murakumo.
Whilst this is yet another cool looking kit from PLUM, of prior Leynos fame, the Murakumo mecha are curious due to the man who penned them. Specifically, that of Takayuki Yanase who’s had a rather gilded career as a mecha designer in his own right since he left From Software. Something that From Software have been keen to capitalise on, as this design was featured (albeit modified) in the first Another Century’s Episode, not to mention the Ixbrau units Yanese exclusively designed for Another Century’s Episode 3. He even worked on the OG mecha for Super Robot Wars W too. In any case, whilst Murakumo was a pretty wonky game the designwork was lovely. So this is yet another kit that’s been added to our wish list.
If you want to have a gander at the remaining reportage for the current Wonder Festival, then GA Graphic and AkibaHobby (pages here and here) should satiate your needs. A mild warning though, as some of those links aren’t exactly work safe. We’ve also included some videos of the Cloud Breaker 01 in action below.

Posted on : 07-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 05-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 03-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Gamespot has managed to land a very interesting interview with the father of Armored Core and producer of Armored Core V, Toshifumi Nabeshima. In addition, there are a slew of new screenshots available too alongside the interview. The full interview is shown below and it’s even dubbed in English. Enjoy!

Posted on : 02-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 02-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News