Videos: New Gundam Extreme Versus Force Roster Update
Posted on : 26-11-2015 | By : donkey show | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Vita
A number of new and returning mobile suits have been announced to join the Gundam Extreme Versus Force roster. The first one is Heine Westenfluss’ Destiny Gundam, a variant suit from Gundam Seed Destiny. This is a first print bonus that will be available at the Japanese version’s launch on December 23, 2015. As T.M. Revolution is the VA for Heine Westenfluss and is also providing the title track to the game, it’s no surprise Bandai Namco would have more in store for the popular artist in-game. Other suits recently added to the roster are Char’s Gelgoog, Quebeley, and V2 Gundam. There’s still plenty of suits to be announced and we’ll keep you updated on what’s is coming up next. Until then, check out the video below to see the new Destiny Gundam in action!