News: Zone of the Enders HD Edition Patch Breakdown
Posted on : 02-08-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
As many of you already know, a patch for the PS3 version of Zone of the Enders HD Edition has finally been released. This specifically covers the Anubis portion of the collection in case you’re wondering. Whilst this does improve the game noticeably it’s still not as good as the PS2 original, so in that sense our review of the collection will stand as is (as the 360 version remains unchanged as does the original game). However the studio behind the PS3 patch, that of the indomitable Hexadrive, have written a fantastically detailed post on all the improvements they made. It really begs the question why they weren’t hired in the first place for the port. There are also some great comparison videos too, so those are worth a watch. All in all though, it’s still sad to think that possibly the last ever release of Zone of the Enders was handled so badly.

HexaDrive wasn’t originally hired because they were busy working on Okami HD, and Bluepoint (the MGS HD Collection developers) were likewise tied up with the Vita version of Playstation All-Stars.
Two things to that; Hexadrive are big enough to handle more than one project and Konami could have easily waited until another dev was available. There are always options.
Most likely they were also working on the PS3 port of EX Troopers then, but yeah, it’s not like there weren’t better options. They should have gotten the team behind Devil May Cry HD.
Zone of the Enders HD Collection greets players with a new animated opening from mecha animation studio Sunrise. The bulk of the work was done by High Voltage Software and I believe this is their first HD conversion. While High Voltage Software showed a HD demo for a game called The Grinder most of their work has been doing Wii and PSP versions of licensed games or licensed Kinect titles. While the graphical upgrade is nice, Zone of the Enders HD Collection stutters at times. Konami sent us an early copy of the Xbox 360 version and I noticed choppiness in Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner when enemies fill the screen.
Well, at least the fixed it.
Much in the same way these people did… –
Well played.