News: Zone of the Enders HD Anime Teased
Posted on : 20-01-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Over on Hideo Kojima’s Twitter account, he recently teased two shots (here and here) of the opening anime for the upcoming Zone of the Enders HD Edition. Whilst the shots are pretty blurry, the footage does look nice and we wouldn’t complain if another anime series came as a result. For ZOE fans in general, we also have a new toy review that will be posted in the next few days that might also pique your interest. So keep an eye out for that.

Wait, are they replacing the dated-at-the-time CGI cutscenes from the first game with anime? Or are they just touching up the cutscenes from the second game?
The way they word it. The opening to the game will be redone for when they rerelease the game in its HD format..