News: Wonder Festival 2014 Summer Commercial Coverage
Posted on : 27-07-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
We managed to make it to the recent Wonder Festival over the weekend (despite the insane heat). Naturally we took lots of pictures and have done a chunk of coverage on the commercial side of things over at As we suspected, the just announced PlayStation Optimus Prime was present (looked good too). We’ll be following this up with a garage kit update soon.

Did you see the Verdict Day final boss? I didn’t think it would get a kit.
I mentioned it in the article I linked. It also was a scratch built kit made by a competition winner.
I saw that a little while ago. Still might make one though, It’s not as big as the Aretha.
Plus it is based on the White Glint kit anyway. Would be a nice addition to the kit line for sure.