News: War for Cybertron Multiplayer Demo
Posted on : 10-06-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
The upcoming War for Cybertron has been given a multiplayer demo via the 360 online Marketplace, so go and download it basically. From the few games we’ve played it’s obvious, that despite being very pretty, the game reassuringly doesn’t suck total sweaty robot balls. Though, that said, it is worryingly generic (from a multiplayer standpoint at least). The really good news, for us at least, is that High Moon didn’t bork the mecha handling as they feel suitably weighty. We’ll be reviewing the game once it’s released later this month, so keep an eye out for that. Naturally, Megatron must be stopped…no matter the cost…

I just got through playing this.
Pretty fun. Deff going to buy the full version.
With only two classes available and only a limited amount of equipment for the two of them, the current winning tactic seems to be “play as the tank”, but there seems to be quite a bit of depth to the system. The scout, for example, can be built as a stealthy rogue using the stealth skills, or more of a hit and run type with the grenades and dash abilities. Likewise, the tank can be brawler or a heavy gunner. Definitely looking forward to it.