News: Virtual On to be released on XBLA and PSN
Posted on : 18-10-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
As part of a SEGA Model 2 Collection, the original Virtual On will be released on both XBLA and PSN. Whilst the release date and price are unknown as yet, the port will feature online versus functionality. In addition, for the PS3 version, HORI are releasing a new pair of TwinSticks (costing 30,000 yen a piece). What’s especially interesting about this news is that both the PS3 and 360 will be getting the game, whereas in the past the HD ports of Oratan and Force were 360 exclusives. The release of these new PS3 sticks could also indicate a further release of the other games that also graced the 360 (fingers crossed). Anyway, this is good news and despite once owning an arcade cabinet of the game and all manner of other home ports, it’s always nice to see the original Virtual On getting some continued love.

RT @mechadamashii: News: Virtual On to be released on XBLA and PSN:
RT @mechadamashii: News: Virtual On to be released on XBLA and PSN:
RT @mechadamashii: News: Virtual On to be released on XBLA and PSN:
This pleases me greatly! I’ve got the Saturn and PC ports of the original VO but they’re back at my family home 300 miles away….as is my dreamcast and VO:OT 🙁
I stopped using my 360 a long time ago so never got the port of OT for it, but we thankfully got a copy on our office retail 360 so my craving has been somewhat satiated during lunch breaks – but I do sorely miss the original and being able to play online on PSN with my friends is gonna be awesome!
RT @mechadamashii: News: Virtual On to be released on XBLA and PSN:
I saw this posted on IGN , was a big fan of the game on DreamCast ,looking forward to seeing it on my PS3 . also happy to finally get to try Fighting Vipers .
Hopefully Sega is going to be reasonable with the prices in the store.
Virtual ON PS3 ver + twin stick ?! ALL MO MY WANT/NEED