News: Virtual On Force Update
Posted on : 14-07-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Xbox 360
4Gamer has some new coverage for the upcoming 360 port of Virtual On Force. Despite showing the four-player splitscreen mode, the above screenshot was of more interest really. For those that may not know, that’s a picture of TWO Jaguarandi’s against a MBV-04-10/80adv “10/80 ADV”. The best description for the above picture is probably along the lines of “incongruously terrifying”. This somewhat insane screenshot actually shows a special mission in progress, which is interesting as it’s something Virtual On Marz attempted as well, in terms of its level structure at least. Having a 10/80adv pitted against the Force era Jaguarandi’s does seem brutally unfair though.

I remember this battle from Marz.
Oh how I despise Jaguarandi…I will never forget that name..oh how I hate that boss.
Oh man, I’m stuck on this mission as well; goddamn cheap jerks, those two.