News: Virtual On Force Trailer
Posted on : 03-06-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
The official Virtual On Force port website had another update today, this time with a trailer of the game in action on the 360 (with a rather cool reveal at the end, in the form of two Tangrams). Unsurprisingly, the original arcade assets have been handled without much fanfare; as the 360 is considerably more potent that the original Hikaru boards that ran the game. Though we’re still unsure whether a home port of Force is actually a good idea. Admittedly, Oratan’s XBLA sales have been mighty impressive but Force was considerably more flawed and in part helped to limit the success of the series from that point on. In any case, we’ll see how well this new port fares once it’s released at the end of the year.

4Force arcade mode can also be found on PS2 MARZ title and the graphics didn’t change much compared to 8 years ago. It looks like Sega is selling on nostalgia again after the OT 5.66 version. If this could be start for Border Break on console, that is.
Border Break on console? That would be wonderful! That said, watching this trailer did bring back memories…man, I miss playing VO in the arcades. As cool as it is to have a console version and with online play, there’s something missing….something that playing in the arcades had. Dammit, I just cannot put my finger on it, but…either way, it’s still good to see VO return, even if it is on a console.