News: Updated units in Gundam vs Gundam Next Plus
Posted on : 13-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
The forthcoming PSP port of Gundam vs Gundam Next released at the beginning of December, has had more units confirmed exclusively for it. These are all mobile suits not present in the arcade iteration and are also all “bad guy” mobile suits. Specifically, the new units in question are; The O from Zeta Gundam, the Zeong from the original Gundam, the Rafflesia from Gundam F-91, the WaDom from Turn A Gundam and finally the Reborns Gundam from Gundam 00.

I wonder how the WaDom will work in terms of game mechanics: it’s not very humanoid and is exceptionally tall, meaning whatever they do with it, it’ll almost certainly be a unique unit. Like a mass-produced Byg-Zam lite, really.