News: Trenched announced
Posted on : 03-03-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
It turns out Double Fine’s next digital download title will feature suitably retro mecha (circa WWI). Entitled Trenched it looks to be a cool little action game to boot. What most struck us though, was how reminiscent the mecha design were to Konami’s PS2 classic Ring of Red. In addition, what with From Software’s take on a new retro styled Steel Battalion, it seems WWI mecha are all the rage this year. Whilst no word on a specific released date as yet,it does seem to be an XBLA exclusive (unlike the two prior Double Fine digital download games; Costume Quest and Stacking). The announcement trailer is below.

Yeah, definitely looking forward to this one.
Looks fun!
I have my eye on this one 😀
Looks like a good year for mecha games. Definitely interested in checking this out.
I told Tim Schaefer of Double Fine “fuck you” on Twitter, and a week later he announces this! He just cares THAT MUCH: no fan left behind!
Damn, I want this on PSN!!