News: Transformers Fall of Cybertron Released Today
Posted on : 21-08-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Despite not covering the game all that much, Transformers Fall of Cybertron is released in the US today (and Europe at the end of the week). We actually quite enjoyed the first game and this looks at least as good. As a nice touch there will also be a G1 Retro Pack DLC too, which is a cool nod to the fact that this game effectively sets up the narrative arc for the G1 series anyway.

The Hasbro big wigs have made it a prelude the Prime TV show that’s currently on the air waves. Sort of. Both this game series and that show are based on the same universe story outlines and materials, it’s just both implement them in slightly different ways. The G1 pack is just a nod to the fans of the old cartoon, not that I mind, it’s a great design!
this is such intense bullshit on Hasbro’s part. The first game clearly didn’t have anything to do with prime and now they’re trying to convince us they’re from the same universe. I mean, the characters are very obviously supposed to look like their G1 counterparts for gods sakes. There is hardly anything Prime about this at all. (Prime is junk by the way. It’s like watching a BK kids meal ad)