News: Thousand Suns Gunpla Edition Released
Posted on : 26-11-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Arcade
We mentioned this a while back but it seems that Linkin Park are proper Gundam nerds (UC nerds no less too). Their album A Thousand Suns has subsequently been released in Japan with a cutsomised HGUC kit of the RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam Full Vernian from Gundam 0083 (pictured above). The reason for all this Gundam cross promotional high fiving is due to the fact that one of their song’s, The Catalyst, has been used as the background music for the opening movie of Gundam Extreme Versus. You can buy the Gunpla album set over at HLJ in case it tickles your fancy.

I was about to complain the color scheme was wrong, but then I reread it and realized I was thinking of the wrong Thousand Sons.
My friend went insane painting his Thousand Sons.
Being the newb I was I picked up Space Marines and painted them very similar to Ultra Marines.
As for the Gunpla kit… meh.
The colors are bland, and boring.
As far as promotional items go though. I think it’s pretty great.
I can’t imagine how annoying, and how much skill, it must take to paint all those Rubric Marines he would have needed. There’s a reason why the Egytpians went extinct: they ran out of blue and gold paints.
If I ever get enough money to get into the wargaming addiction/”hobby” I’m totally going with Space Marines with brown armor and red shoulders. You know, like the Red Shoulders, from Votoms. Maybe the Dreadnought can be named Wiseman.
WH40k horror stories are great.
I love painting and modeling the damn stuff, but the convoluted rules and time it takes to play is a huge put off. Right now My marines are painted in mostly “tin Bitz” which is basically dirty bronze, detailed with golds, whites and reds. Looks nice.
I don’t understand how 40k still thrives while Battletech is dying.A starter kit costs around 90 dollars for christ’s sake.
Just a change of tastes and styles. Eventually Warhammer will fade in popularity and something else will rise.
Odd paint job is odd.
I don’t care much about “LINKIN PARK” scribbled all over, but the logo on the shoulder is cool, and the shield looks like a monochrome sunburst, or, in the right first-glance, a pre-painted reflective surface.
Is it just a color scheme, or are there actually detail differences?
There are no detail differences I can see, and I haven’t heard of any.
If there were, I think Cacophanus would have mentioned it.