News: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Tops Charts
Posted on : 23-04-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
The recently released Super Robot Wars Z 2 has topped the Japanese charts selling over 300,000 units in its first week. From what we’ve played, the game is wholly deserving of this success and naturally a review will be forthcoming. The game is also part of the Super Robot Wars 20th Anniversary celebrations, though apparently more fun and frolics are expected in the months to come. Another game is also planned to follow the Z lineage too, though what platform that may end up on is still unknown. In any case, you can still buy the game here (or here if you’re in Europe). There’s also a handy Wiki available for the game already, so there’s no excuse not to pick this little beauty up.

Still waiting on my copy to arrive 🙁
Hopefully it should be on my desk at the office when I get back into work on Tuesday 🙂
I think I’ve replayed through K at least 3 times in the last few weeks during lunch breaks in anticipation for this! And from the sounds of things I’m not going to be dissappointed.
I agree. This game is bad ass.