News: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen Tops Japanese Charts For Third Week Running
Posted on : 30-04-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable, PS Vita
For a third week running, the suitably awesome Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen is in the top of the Japanese charts yet again. This isn’t wholly surprising but it is testament to the fact that the game is genuinely very good indeed. It also illustrates another fine point; that no hardware is truly dead and software is all important in a platform’s success. Listening to all the hardware naysayers over the years, it’s now very clear that much of their outlook is desperately parochial.
That aside, we’ve subsequently done numerous repeated playthroughs on the game since our review and it gets better with each sitting. Our favourite unit, by quite a large margin, is also the suitably godlike YF-29 Durandal. Admittedly it’s only available towards the end of the game and then only via a secret unlock, but even so it’s just so damn awesome. The animations are also pretty amazing too. We cannot stress enough how much this game needs to be in your life right now, so buy it already.

Z2-2 selling 13,000-something copies a couple weeks after release is news, Ollie? That’s actually pretty anemic-sounding.
Not really, those kind of sales are pretty similar in Europe too. Anyway, the fact it’s still in the top ten after three weeks on an old system no less is pretty interesting I think. Plus, it meant I could pimp the YF-29 😀
Evidently that’s all it takes in Japan, where everyone seems to pre-order everything.
This game is pretty great, btw, but on my second play-through I’m going to have to come up with some way to handicap myself because it is insanely easy.
Getting all the SR Points is a nice challenge though and after 55 of them you get the Platinum Emblem.
just getting some of them has been challenging for me. ..
Im on mission 14 after going the middle east gundam route and some of the “kill unit x that retreats at y hp” missions are solid… Especially mission 13…… bloody prevail/potential skill, the guy retreats on 4500hp; even with me getting him down to 4528 before hand, then nailing him with 00’s trans-am attack with a 60% upgraded brasta es doing a support attack and i could only knock him down to 100hp
sometimes the it seems easier than part 1 but other times…jeez 🙂