News: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-Hen System Update
Posted on : 01-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Now that we have Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen to look forward to, there are some more juicy bits of information about the game. First is the new Emblem items, these will be very rare/difficult to acquire but will afford some very nice bonuses. Notably, the Iron Emblem will quadruple your experience accrued once equipped. Following on from that Nekki Basara’s song powers will be able to make enemies like the Vajra, from Macross Frontier, retreat. Even the more standardised abilities, like the Zero System on the Gundam Wing Zero (pictured above), will get a reworking. As always, you can pre-order the game here.