News: Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen Screenshots Update
Posted on : 15-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable, PS Vita
Famitsu has a nice new update showing some more units in the forthcoming Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen. From the majestic Shin Getter (pictured above) to the rather lovely GNR-101A GN Archer from Gundam 00. Even the re-done animations for Overman King Gainer, a favourite series of ours too, look really great. It’s also intimated elsewhere that another longer promo will be forthcoming showing off a lot more of the game. Considering that the game’s release is a few weeks away, the timing is suitably apt. Don’t forget you can also preorder the game here.

why Ryoma still riding shin getter? I thought saisei will use Armageddon’s episode 4 onwards…
Probably because the fans prefer it that way.
It might be near the end of the getter stage/event were they fight Getter Dragon(Metal Beast)