News: Super Robot Wars Operation Extend Unit Update
Posted on : 19-04-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita
Famitsu has a nice update for Super Robot Wars Operation Extend featuring all manner of new units. From the mighty Billbine (shown above) to the RX-79[G]Ez-8 Gundam Ez8. In addition, the piece talks about armour parts that can be equipped to each unit. These are similar sounding to previous parts in the other SRW games. In terms of the blend of 2D and 3D animation in the battle scenes, it seems this is broken down between character cut-ins (2D) and mecha (3D), which isn’t anything overly new (though Banpresto are spinning it that it is). However, the latter 3D models are more stylised in terms of the texturing compared to the previous 3D SRW games. This is obviously a decent improvement but we’d like to see these in action before relaxing entirely, as generally 3D SRW games aren’t exactly very pretty looking normally.

Bring on Kerroro Gunso and his platoon , meanwhile enoying the newest addition to Gundam Battle Operation: the Zudah !
Looks like you can make armor parts by collecting enemy drops – one of the screens shown is highly similar to item creation systems in certain RPGs, including the idea of “make the new level of equip using the previous level as an ingredient”. (Said part was then equipped to Shin Getter)