News: Super Robot Wars Operation Extend Released Today
Posted on : 18-07-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita
The first ever download only game in the series, Super Robot Wars Operation Extend, is released today. We’ve bought the combined pack, as the game will be released episodically, but currently only the first episode is available. What’s also slightly interesting is that there are a bunch of freemium like parts you can buy too. We’re not sure about this, as Gundam Breaker has something similar (of which a review of that will be forthcoming). Whilst this isn’t so much pay to win it does seem to be pay to make things easier. In any case, buying all the episodes at once gives you a Gundam unit piloted by Sergeant Frog as a nice little bonus. The next episode will be released on August 1st.

Hi Cacophanus,
Just wanted to ask if there’s been any news as to the availability of Operation Extend being also sold to Asia PSN (i.e. it will not only be available in Japan PSN).
Please let me know – as my PSN on my VITA is linked to the Asia PSN and I would prefer to not have to change accounts by hardware resetting.