News: Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers gets its English release on August 5th
Posted on : 24-05-2016 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 4
We now know that Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers will have its Asian version released on August 5th. This version of the game will also be localized into English, with subtitles being available throughout (though thankfully retaining the original Japanese voices). While the Japanese release will be made available on both PS3 and PS4, it seems the Asian version will only be on PS4. As winkysoft are sadly no more, this looks to be more of an in-house game at Bandai Namco. It’s looking lovely though but it’s sad to think that much of the engine gruntwork was likely down to winkysoft. You can pre-order the game here and by all means check out the English trailer for the game below.

Um, I believe that Winkysoft hadn’t worked on a SRW title in a long loooooong time, except of course for the Masoukishin series.
So SRW games since Alpha have all been, in most cases, an in-house endeavour by Banpresto/Bamco.
The Masoukishin games are SRW though! Also the tech for those games were used on Z3 and now this new OG game.
Also condolences for Yuko Mizutani’s families and friends. Her Role as Excellen in SRW OG shall be missed