News: Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle Screenshot Update
Posted on : 03-10-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Over at 4Gamer they have a nice piece showing off a variety of units in the forthcoming Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle. These are all noteworthy units, with mecha like the Valsione (above) appealing to the more classic Original Generation fanbase. We’re hoping that the Raioh from Alpha 3 will make an appearance too, as that’s one of our favourite Original Generations mecha. Apart from that, the game is still looking pretty bland but hopefully it won’t matter so much once we get to play it come its release this November. Don’t forget that you can still pre-order the game here.

the way the game looks in trailers and screenshots isn’t exactly convincing as to making me pre-order