News: Super Robot Wars Alpha and Alpha Gaiden on PSN
Posted on : 21-12-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable
4Gamer has the news that both Super Robot Wars Alpha and Alpha Gaiden hit the PSN store yesterday for 1,500 yen a piece. The Alpha series was a shift for the SRW series in terms of the difficulty (as in not fascistically impossible) and used more elaborate battle animations. It was also one of the first SRW games to feature the mighty variable fighters from Macross. As with the other SRW archived games on PSN these can also be played on your PSP. Annoyingly, the PS Vita doesn’t do PSone archived games as yet (though weirdly it does do the PC Engine games) but we’re pretty sure it won’t be long until they’re PS Vita compatible. Finally, the article also talks of a 20th Anniversary event on the 18th March next year. No details really on what the event will be but we’re assuming that JAM Project will be present to scream their awesome lungs out.

Now those two are worth paying for. Alpha is AWESOME. Still one of my favorite SRW. Giant Robo, DYRL, and Gunbuster…all in the same game? Shit. I’d pay $200 for a new SRW with a series selection like that, instead of all this Gundam Seed, Eva, OG lolicon BS.
But still, unless your eBay account has been suspended and you live in Alaska, I don’t see the point in paying for temporary digital rights for something when you can just buy a real copy for less.