News: Steel Battalion Heavy Armor Update
Posted on : 17-09-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Xbox 360
4Gamer has a piece on two producers from Capcom waving their arms around with the new Steel Battalion Heavy Armor for Kinect. Fundamentally the game uses proper, pad based, controls for movement and firing weapons of your vertical tank. However, certain switches and gauges in the cockpit require the player to directly gesticulate in midair to interact with them. In addition, your AI co-pilots apparently need cajoling in a similar manner as well, to the extent you get to enact a virtual Bright Slap if they start to turn into blubbering pansies. In some ways the fact the game is split like this is a good thing but it does openly show the inadequacies of the Kinect’s capabilities (as if it were truly a viable control setup, you wouldn’t need the pad at all). Considering that the first game was suitably revolutionary when it came to its controller, the new Kinect game seems to be partly following in its footsteps but we are still hugely skeptical about any of it actually working properly in the wild. We’re also a tad saddened that no-one on the From Software team were involved in this demo to the press.

How about a real Steel Battalion game? Since Japan DOESN’T love Kinect or the 360.