News: Senjou no Kizuna Rev 3 Update
Posted on : 14-07-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Arcade
Game Watch has a new piece on the forthcoming Rev 3 update for Senjou no Kizuna, aka that Gundam arcade game with the palpably awesome cockpit. Emphasising its palapable awesomeness, the new revision will feature a “real frame” cockpit (pictured above) too. Apart from some additional unit unlock changes, the update is a bit sparse and seems to be more a framework for further additions (much like Rev 2.5 was really). Considering that the hardware that runs this game is now eight years old, we’re moderately impressed that it’s survived this long.

Console port plz.
Also,nice attention to detail when it comes to changing the panoramic cockpits.
A console port would take away the entire point of this particular game. If it wasn’t for that cockpit pod, it would just be a sub-standard to alright Gundam title.
I’d kill to have the chance to play it, but I can’t just hop a plane to Japan-land D:
Having Played this and it’s PSP port while identical in gameplay and graphics the console version gets boring quickly unless you are playing in a group which outside Japan is rare if not non-existent.
I hope next time I fly back there GIGO in Akihabara will still have a few machines there.
You make it sound like Team Fortress Gundam is a bad thing.
They made the pod even better! Realistic UC era cockpits…I can feel myself drooling as we speak, I’m surprised they made it look even nicer.