News: Play the developers of Oratan 5.66
Posted on : 26-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Xbox 360
At 8pm this evening (Japanese time) you’ll be able to play one of the developers on Oratan 5.66. Their gamertag is “SEGA VOOT360”. The semi-regular official blog also hints at a port of Virtual On Force as well, as there have been many requests by fans apparently (this would also make sense, considering the upcoming HORI TwinSticks would be usable on that port too, making their price tage slightly less painful). Bear in mind that Force has never really received a proper port either, as Virtual On Marz was a remake effectively with a suitably dodgy singleplayer campaign too.

It’s hard to believe people actually want a home port of Force.
Can we get another M2 port of VOOM for the HD console pls?
I’m beginning to hate all X-Box users. I bought a PS3 because it was a console designed by Japanese people, a region-free one so that I could play games developed by Japanese people. But now that American/Jewish one with region-lock gets all the nice Japanese things…