News: Oratan 5.66 to get limited price drop
Posted on : 23-03-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Xbox 360
As per the recent column on the official Japanese Oratan 5.66 site, it turns out that the game will be receiving a pretty decent price drop. From 1200 MS points to 800, however this is only from March 30th until April 6th (as it’s part of Microsoft’s Deal of the Week scheme apparently). At present this price drop is for the Japanese release only, the column also apologises for the lack of updates recently – which is rather sweet really.
Update: It’s been confirmed that the price drop for Oratan 5.66 will coming to the West as well.

Gee, $4 off. Now if they could just drop $300 or so off the price of the requisite controller, this would be a big hit!
That’s a request to HORI really, as they made and priced the 360 sticks.
I, personally, modded a spare pair of DC sticks and they work great.