News: OG mecha announced for ACE R
Posted on : 16-06-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
In the latest Famitsu, the new “original generation” or OG mecha have been finally shown for the upcoming ACE R. This is quite common in the ACE games, as the first game had a Cloudbreaker (from Murakumo) and the Gespenst Mk.II (from SRW). Following on from this in ACE 2 and 3 were the Gunark and the Ixbrau (the latter designer by Takayuki Yanase of Gundam 00 fame). These new designs are interesting, not only stylistically but also in the fact that it shows that the “base” ship is not one from any given anime. Called the Ark Alpha, it has shades of the Novis Noah from Brain Powerd. The Alphato also bears a few uncanny similarities to the mecha in Argento Soma. In any case, we’re happy to see the OG tradition carry on through to ACE R.

Apologies for being off-topic, but I’ve got a question of sorts.
Front Mission Evolved, ever since it was announced, was always compared to Armored Core series. I’m a huge Front Mission fan, but a complete noob in mecha action games. Which of the numerous Armored Core instalments should I check out to be able to adequately assess Front Mission Evolved when it’s released? English-friendly games are preferred.
Most PS2 Armored Core games are enjoyable, but all AC games have a learning curve to them. Nexus was one of the easier ones for me to get into after a long break from the series, so a rental could get you some experience. AC4 and For Answer are different beasts all together, and don’t appear to be quite like the AC games the new Front Mission is being compared to, but they are worth checking out anyway. Also, every AC game so far has been released in the US, so you might have to do some looking, but they’re out there.
Back onto the topic, I’m pleased with the designs. They fit the sleeker style that the ACE team seems to be attempting with their new system, though the new mech looks pretty air focused. The idea of an original ship is a very nice touch, and very welcome. Not sure what to think of the pilot, but I’m very happy to see an apparently top-billed solo female protagonist in a game like ACE. I’ll admit, I have high hopes for her.
[…] od [OG] creati per questo gioco . La presenza di questi personaggi, e dei loro Mecha è caratteristica di questo tipo di giochi, nel primo episodio era presente Cloudbreaker (da Murakumo) e il Mk.II […]
Nexus is a good place to start, as it does use a full dual analogue control setup. AC3 and AC3SL are also excellent too, but have more intricate controls. To be honest though, I think a much fairer and more accurate comparison for FME would be the Yuke’s VOTOMS game…
Much obliged.
Some people are claiming that the main character is designed by Shigenori Soejima (character designer for ACE3 originals and the cast of Persona 3-4). Is this true? Because I’m not getting the Soejima vibe from her at all.
Doesn’t quite look like his work, but I can’t place whose work it does remind me of.
In any case, the official site is updated now with story and better pictures of the original stuff, so, maybe with a bit of time, I’ll be able to tell which artist she reminds me of…
Note SRW hotnews:
The official site has been updated in Game Point and Story page. And Mr Terada says in SRW blog that new promo video will be out next month.