News: New Firefall Trailer Released
Posted on : 04-11-2010 | By : Tollmaster | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PC
A new trailer was released for upcoming persistent world online shooter Firefall, and while a lot of the footage being shown is of locations and concepts we’ve already seen in the larger ten minute gameplay trailer, our excitement for the game has been by no means diminished since the game’s announcement, as there is clearly a lot of potential.
One thing the new trailer does hint at which we haven’t seen before is some sort of system that allows players to “glide”–while the huge mecha jetpacks enable characters to gain vertical height and sometimes forward speed (similar to the thrusters in Tribes, of which Firefall seems to be a spiritual successor) this seems to be an entirely new mechanic, used for crossing large amounts of distance in the air. This gliding feature projects two laser wings which reminds us just a bit of the V2 Gundam’s Wings of Light, which along with the very possible Gurren Lagann and Gundam 00 influences in the powered armors’ designs leads evidence to someone at Firefall being a closet mecha fanatic.
In addition to the 10 minute trailer that’s been passed around widely, it’s also worth noting that there’s a less well-traveled version of that very same trailer with developer commentary that explains a bit more about the specific game mechanics.

Looks damned impressive. Hell, if they put out an artbook for this, I’d get it.
Lots of interesting gameplay elements here, but to be honest I really don’t care for the art design. Pretty standard jungle/desert vistas; not sure why so many sci-fi games fail to consider more inspired settings. The aliens are also completely run-of-the-mill.
The curvy ship and suit designs are nice, but what is the point of having all that high-tech power armor just to leave the head and arms totally exposed?? Makes no sense at all, and looks dumb. Too many games have this same problem.
Not trying to be contrary for the sake of it, just my opinion.