News: More DLC Announced For Gundam Extreme Versus
Posted on : 28-12-2012 | By : donkey show | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Looks like the recent 1.02 patch for the PS3 version of Gundam Extreme Versus has a bit more to offer. GN-007+GNR-101A Archer Arios from Gundam 00 and GAT-X105E+AQM/E-X09S Strike Noir Gundam from Gundam Seed Stargazer have been announced as the fifth DLC pack to be released on January 10th for 500 yen each. Archer Arios will be a 1000 cost unit while Strike Noir will be a 2500 cost unit, just like its Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost iteration. Archer Arios was recently revealed as a new suit to come to Full Boost a few weeks ago, so it is nice to see it coming to the home version. It was a little disappointing to see Arios not be as agile as its anime iteration, but it still looks well rounded with Archer never far behind. As for Strike Noir, players have been clamoring for it to be DLC since it Full Boost was first announced. It will definitely be a welcome addition to the already diverse cast of mobile suits with its acrobatic manoeuvres.
Also, if you purchase these suits before February 10th, you’ll get a pack of energy capsules for Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation. Make sure to check out the DLC video announcement below!

RT @mechadamashii: News: More DLC Announced For Gundam Extreme Versus:
I’ve always really hated C.E. units. I swear they’re like the Mary Sues of the franchise. They’re always these incredibly tacky looking gundams with wings or giant swords or what have you that are inexplicably powerful and maneuverable.
I’m glad Arios is an 1000 cost unit though. The last thing this game needs is more overpowered assholes. It’s also kinda cute how Archer is always present.
I will re-watch Gundam Stargazer ova and decide if the Strike Noir is something I want to use my last 500 Yen on , I agree though , the Arios is a great addition to have in the game , as overcost units being used by unskilled players are never in short supply.
I’m willing to be money that “MARIE” is one of Allelujah’s death quotes.
I’m actually quite happy to have the Noir back, as I was more a fan of Stargazer’s short character study nature than Destiny’s unfocused mess of a story, but I’m most happy to see more 1k units. My chief main in this game is still the Berga Giros (although I have mains in every point tier), and like radrappy pointed out, having the GN Archer around all the time is so cute that I’ll definitely have to pick this DLC up.
While I’m glad to see more 1000 point units, I don’t know how Arios (with GN Archer!) could be that low of a cost unit. Kyrios as 1k I could see, but not Arios. But I loved my Duel AS and Aegis 1k units from Next Plus, so it may be fun anyways.
So…is this the most expensive to own game since the invention of DLC or is there something else? How much would it cost to unlock everything?
Well, at the end of the video you see that there’s a special 2000y price for the first 3 DLC sets (with each set coming with at least 5 SETS of missions relevant to that machine) Then add on another 2000 for the currently new 4 (The last set being GP03 and Xi). So, there’s your math. 4000y, currently. And the game hasn’t had DLC since last year. It’s a reason to play again
And there are rumors of more DLC to come. You know, maybe that From Software Gundam Unicorn game could benefit from some new missions too, eh? Like the rest of the story?
Not so much rumours , as detective work. Someone went into the patch with a hex editor and found the new DLCs to come before Bandai announced it.
Zaku III kai and Gold Frame Amatsu are the Feb DLC pack 7
There were also remnants of the Age 1 , but missing alot of information so this was assumed to be trash files from a abandoned DLC .
They have images of Zaku III and Gold Frame Amatsu now. Zaku III is a 1000 and Gold Frame is 2000. 🙂
Bandai Namco has unveiled the trailed for DLC Pak 6, Giold Frame Amatsu and Zaku III kai units.