News: Mobile Suit Gundam Online Update
Posted on : 28-12-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PC
4Gamer has a new piece on the forthcoming Mobile Suit Gundam Online and it seems that they’re really going more for the co-op action route, a la Monster Hunter, rather than an old school MMO. This is mostly down to the combat being pretty standard TPS Gundam fare, with mobile suits broken down into class types (such as assault or sniper for instance). The fact you can also have a suitably massive number of players, 52 per side to be precise, is also pretty damn awesome really. In addition, there’s also a commander mode available that looks and sounds awfully like Armored Core V’s setup (which in turn is influence by Chrome Hounds obviously). Still no word on pricing or release date as yet but it’s looking to be a pretty cool game.

I dreamt of how I would do a Gundam mod of Battlefield back in the day, so this is good news indeed. Though I’m curious as to what the cooperative (and solo?) gameplay actually works out to.