News: MGS Peace Walker To Feature Upgraded Shagohods
Posted on : 22-01-2010 | By : Fort90 | In : News
New details pertaining to the next installment of the Metal Gear Solid saga have recently been revealed. Peace Walker will introduce several firsts, not just to the series, but gaming as a whole; in addition to overseeing a home base, which involves recruiting and managing support staff, the player will face off against various AI controlled weapons that will try to dominate the player both on the ground and above it. The key distinguishing characteristic here is how they will address the player, and even sing to him or her, via Vocaloid technology (similar to what drives Miku Hatsune and related characters). Though what should matter the most to Mecha Damashii readers is how two of these weapons are clearly inspired by or connected to the Shagohod, the primary mecha that Naked Snake/Big Boss had to deal with in Snake Eater. Of the two designs, the one in the link below is the closest to the original…
It’ll be interesting to see what else pops up to remind one of past Metal Gears, or in the case of the game’s time line, eludes to future developments. Hopefully something similar to the TX-55, since players have yet to deal with something similar in three dimensions.

Looks like the first image takes a bit of inspiration from 00 Gundam’s Fantong, especially the “head”: