News: Mecha Damashii in Armored Core V
Posted on : 27-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
For our readers that are now finally playing Armored Core V, we’ve set up some Mecha Damashii teams for you. Due to the server split, we’ve created a team pretty much in each region. However, the US and European teams are only on the 360 version (Tollmaster runs the US team and I run the European one in case you’re wondering). So, come on and join up to have some fun with us. If that wasn’t enough, our own Tollmaster is also in the game’s credits. Requiring a truly gilded brofist to celebrate the occasion.
Moving on from that, there has been a lot of (Japanese fan) speculation about an official Armored Core series timeline since Armored Core V was released in late January. Whilst there is a timeline in Armored Core Mechanical Guidance and Armored Core 10 Works Complete File that covers the PSone and PS2 games, the newer games (even including Chrome Hounds) haven’t really been officially explained as yet. We’ll be collating this over the next few days and doing a post on it most likely but in the meantime join in the fun on Armored Core V.

Would you be able to post download links for Armored Core Mechanical Guidance and Armored Core 10 Works Complete File?
We don’t post links like that here I’m afraid.
Plus, you can still buy the books online. eBay has them both.
No US PS3 team? Well, no problem, I mostly play as an MOH anyway.
Also, congratulations, Chris/Tollmaster!
Heya Ollie! Long time no talk bud. I picked up ACV for both systems. I am under BlackAria042 on the Xbox and Koyote042 under the PS3.
Since you have had some fun with the Japanese copy for a bit now, how do you like the part balances?
Suuuuuuuuup. Pity that ACV’s servers are regioned. Real bummer that.
The part balancing is interesting now, as you can really personalise your weapons in a very individual way.
Got your message too; a lot of the narrative inference was dropped in the English translation. It makes it very hard to follow I find!
Argh the ‘asia’ (hong kong) armored core v has not been release yet… watz taking them so long…??? my buddies and i r dying with envy here in singapore….
Xbox Australian Damashii team anyone?
You’re on the same Euro server as us. So there’s already a Mecha Damashii team on there (run by me).
I joined the European team, it’ll be fun to be in a team that is more active than my previous one :3
“nearly every region” – so do you have a Japanese-region team or not?
Damn it, keep getting the “Data download from server failed” msg…!!! Argh..!!! just when they release it in Singapore ( SE Asia ). I thought they fixed the server…Hong Kong doesn’t have a problem. Does anyone know what’s going on…???