News: Macross Ultimate Frontier released today
Posted on : 01-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Macross Ultimate Frontier for the PSP is released today in Japan (you can get it here). Naturally, we’ll be reviewing the game in the very near future but in the meantime feel free to read our feature on the more contemporary Macross games available.

I picked up my copy yesterday! I can’t read Japanese at all really, so some of the character upgrading side is lost on me. (Particularly, the use of the Support Character… that’s new and the FAQ is obviously not out on the game…)
However, the game looks and sounds slicker than ever! The REAL Flight mode seems more like a fun novelty than actually useful in the game… Reaction Weaponry is a little more balance in its nearly versus action stopping power that it had in the first game.
And Burning Fire sounds as wonderful as the snipets in the PV makes it out to sound! (Ohhhh…. for that Revival of Fire Bomber soundtrack to come out sooner! I’ll be at sea and have to wait a month!)
Domanda: si ha notizia di un Macross Ultimate Frontier per PS 3 Nell’inverno prossimo ??
we hear Macross Ultimate Frontier X PS 3 in The fall ??