News: Macross Delta Scramble will be getting some DLC this November
Posted on : 24-11-2016 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Vita
The excellent Macross Delta Scramble on PS Vita will be getting some DLC on November 30th. Not only will this include a free update with additional Macross Delta missions but also separate paid DLC that will include Extra missions from other Macross series. The later DLC will be priced at 1000 yen and will encompass all manner of new mecha, pilots and missions. Naturally, you will need a Japanese PSN account to access the paid DLC. Considering the reduced content was somewhat of an issue in the original release, I am glad Bandai Namco are funding Artdink to rectify matters. If you haven’t done so already, you can import the game here.