News: Lost Planet 2 DLC Announced
Posted on : 25-02-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Capcom have announced that the upcoming May release for Lost Planet 2 will also have DLC for both platforms. Entitled “Battle Stage Pack 1” the multiplayer DLC will feature two levels called “Return Island” and “Spiral Corridor”. The latter is especially interesting as it appears to be set underwater. The PlayStation 3 will also be receiving a demo on the 1st March, that allows up to to four human players to get involved. Whether this is the same as the 360 demo from a while back remains to be seen, but it is likely.

According to Kotaku (link below), both of the DLC maps are also available Day 1 as GameStop preorder bonuses in US, while they make Wesker available for everyone. Also, the game’s getting a splitscreen co-op mode! Nothing better than wreaking some massive mechanical havoc from the couch with a friend and some chips and popcorn!
The above post was for the Japanese release, which has a different Day 1 bundle than in the US.
Oh, my fault there. Sorry.
I thought the PS3 already got the same co-op demo that’s on the 360?
Not sure it did in Japan, from what I can gather this demo is the same as the one we saw in September last year (for the PS3) plus some extra content.