News: HobbyLink Japan Site and Shipping Overhaul
Posted on : 29-06-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Our good friends at HobbyLink Japan have rolled out a new setup for the site and shipping. The new system will allow you to track the details of your orders in realtime as well as control how you group your items together. Below is a pretty thorough video explaining the rationale behind all the changes and what that will mean to all their customers. Personally, we’re really glad that these changes have happened and they were a really long time in coming but the wait was worth it.

The new additions are welcome, but having two months only limits its usefulness. Especially when you’re trying to wait for a pre-order item to get in stock. Say you bought something on sale and wanted it to ship with an item that’ll come out in about two months or slightly more. Of course release dates are sketchy little things and might shift by a few days but the second your first item hits 60 days the system ships it out and you end up paying for two shipments. Tough shit, and the warehouse system ends up amounting to bugger all nothing.