News: Hidetaka Miyazaki made new president of From Software
Posted on : 21-05-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
In an interesting move, Hidetaka Miyazaki (pictured above) has been made the new president of From Software. Following on from Kadokawa’s recent acquisition of the company, long time president Naotoshi Zin is stepping down to an advisory role. The latter is the interesting part; Zin has been at the helm of the company since its inception during the mid-80s (back when it made business software). So this change in leadership does fall squarely into the big deal category. However considering Miyazaki’s prior experience working on Armored Core and the Souls games, does make this appointment a good one. As he does have an understanding of how games are made firsthand (you’d be surprised and disappointed at how few execs in the games industry have a clue about game development). Anyway, all that aside we wish him luck in the new role as the industry is in a funny place at the moment.

I’ll start by saying ‘Master of Arena’ was the best installment. Not sure what happened after that but these ass dragging mechs suck.
I really hope you’ll be able to get a proper ACE out, Hidetaka.
I’d rather see Armored Core get more of a Chrome Hounds influence. Get scaled back from the wholly arcade feel that’s taken it over.
Doubt that’s going to happen, so a “better” ACE is also likely out of the question.
I dunno, I think going full sim is a big mistake as what made AC stand out was how it occupied the middleground between sim and arcade.
And since AC4 – or whatever the “HD” version is called – its topped being middleground. Needs to ease a bit back towards the middle.
I think it did already with ACV and ACVD though.
Just look at him. Whatever evil plans he has I can’t wait.