News: Happy Birthday Virtual On!
Posted on : 27-11-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Arcade
Today is a very special day indeed, as it marks the 15th Anniversary of one of the most influential mecha games ever made; the wondrous Virtual On. The series’ creator, Juro Watari, somewhat tearfully remembers the day over on the official Virtual On Force blog and that the actual day the game should have had its final rom delivered was on the 24th, a Friday. Apparently, the team were balancing the game right up until the last minute and specifically Bal Bas Bow’s floating arms caused a lot of issues. The latter had the last remnants of the team working until 9pm and after they finally nailed it, they went over to the main Sega office building with the final rom disc only to find the department was shut! So the official day that Virtual On was birthed was on the Monday, the 27th. Watari also goes on to say that at the time making a mecha game such as Virtual On was a huge uphill struggle, as the overriding belief was that a game like this could never be made. So for him to look back on the past 15 years feels somewhat miraculous and that the real “Force” behind Virtual On is its passionate base of players. In any case, Watari is suitably and justifiably upbeat about the Virtual On games he’s worked on over the years and for those that have yet to sample the delights of the original game, we can thoroughly recommend the SEGA AGES PS2 port. Finally, our first retro review will be published shortly and it shouldn’t be too hard to guess what it will be!

VO remains one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Hard to believe it’s been 15 years! I can still remember playing it in an arcade in NYC and loving every minute of it. The fast-paced action, the designs, the whole Gundam-ish feel to it….
Some years later, when I was in art school, there was another nearby arcade that had a VO machine. Guess where I went after classes…
VO is still a fantastic game (even on my old Sega Saturn port), but the best way to play it–at least to me–is to play it on one of the sitdown arcade machines.
Happy birthday to my absolute favorite franchise.
I still remember playing the origianl as a kid, and often play when i have the chance.