News: Gundam Unicorn PV and Theme Song
Posted on : 25-01-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
The upcoming Gundam Unicorn anime received a new PV today and its theme song was also announced; “Ryuusei no Namida” sung by Chiaki Kuriyama, which will be her vocal debut (as you’ll most probably know her as an actress appearing in films like Kill Bill and Battle Royale). The literal translation of the song title means “Meteor’s Tears”.
We’ve covered Gundam Unicorn before and what makes this anime interesting is that, like Xam’d, it’s being distributed online via the PlayStation Network in a few weeks. Not to mention that the titular Unicorn Gundam has been gracing arcades and PSPs in Gundam vs Gundam Next and that the series main mecha design is being handled by Hajime Katoki (a video game veteran when it comes to mecha). In any case, we’ve linked the video of the new theme song below and we actually like it, quite a bit in fact.

I was hoping for a male singer in the theme, as in mecha shows of old days. This would bolster my cautious optimism for this series.
If this show doesn’t turn out really well, I’m basically going to cry.
WOW some stardust memory, thats the first time Ive seen that live, very cool indeed.
The Kuriyama vid link is dead, no surprise UselessTube has removed it, so I didnt really get to hear the song.
I also have high hopes for Gundam Unicorn, from what Im seeing it looks very good, and the animation is probably the best Ive seen since 83.
Along with some of best Mecha designs Ive seen for along time in a Gundam series.
I’ve fixed the Kuriyama vid and yeah, the mecha designs for Unicorn are amazing. Hajime Katoki is a bit good really.