News: Gundam The 3D Battle Screenshots Update
Posted on : 09-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Nintendo 3DS
The upcoming Nintendo 3DS exclusive and Artdink developed Gundam The 3D Battle received a slew of more screenshots today over at 4Gamer. In addition, the game will also sport a WiFi data exchange setup where you can exchange your pilot and mobile suit data with other 3DS users whilst on the move. Whilst these shots aren’t exactly stellar on their own and of a lower resolution compared to their PSP Gundam Battle counterparts, we’re still holding out that the unique 3D setup of the handheld will sell the game better.

Hmmm, buy this -or wait to see what they do for Sony’s NGP? 3D is cool but I wonder what this game would be like with two thumbsticks.
Am I the only one that notices the rocketlauncher stuck in his shield?
First thing I noticed.
Just imagine how good that bazooka peeping out of a shield is going to look in glorious, glorious 3D!
This is the same on the PSP Gundam Battle games guys.
Did they take full advantage of the PSP’s higher resolution screen to cram in all the polygonal clipping detail that we crave? 😀
Imagine the amazing glitches and errors we’ll get as more companies (Tose) reuse content from 2d poly-based games!