News: Gundam Side Stories Second DLC Released
Posted on : 26-06-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Following on from the Gundam Unicorn themed DLC for Gundam Side Stories we now have the second set released today on PSN. This includes some new VR missions as well as two new mobile suits; the Pezun Dowadge and the Efreet Nacht. We’re sorta meh on the former but the later is cool as we enjoyed Gundam Senki 0081. This could also mean we might get some 7th Gundam DLC too, which would be pretty nice. Talking of VR missions, the game is actually better without all the story stuff getting in the way. Much like the older PS2 Gundam games, the core gameplay on its own holds up much better than when it has to tell a story. This was true in Journey to Jaburo with the Tactics Battle setup, that later basically made up the backbone of the far better Lost War Chronicles. Without all the manky cutscenes to ruin the ambiance, Side Stories is actually really solid.

For anyone who might be interested: I’m currently working on a translation guide for Side Stories. I’ll post the web version here:
There’s already a link to the GoogleDocs document of the in-progress guide, that is updates as-I-write. It’s currently about 40% complete.
Nice! It’s been some time since I’ve been over to the Red Shoulders, but now is a good time to go back….
It’s been some time since I’ve posted anything, too. ~__~