News: Gundam Side Stories Gelgoog M Commander DLC Released
Posted on : 24-07-2014 | By : distantmantra | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Following on the heels of our report detailing future DLC courtesy of the Famitsu Visual Complete Guide, new downloadable content has been released today via the Japanese Playstation Store for Gundam Side Stories. Although it appears to be another reskin, the MG-14 Fs Gelgoog M Commander from Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory is now available for 400 yen. In addition, VR Mission 105 is also available for free. Mission 105 is a ground based scenario taking place in the ruins of a war-ravaged city. If Bandai Namco continues this trend, we should see VR Missions 106-108 along with the Zudah, G-Line Armor, Gundam Alex, Kampfer, GM Custom and GM Cannon II in the near future.

To be entirely fair, the Gelgoog Marine normal doesn’t show up in the game, and the gelgoog marine actually has a lot of drastic design differences from the original Gelgoog, every part of the body is different and has new details, so they couldn’t as easily reuse assets, plus its main weapon is new and not used by another MS in the game.