News: Gundam Seed Battle Destiny Release Date
Posted on : 09-03-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PS Vita
Despite a few announcement hiccups, it seems that Gundam Seed Battle Destiny will finally be released on June 7th. Sony have subsequently been doing a slew of videos to assure new PS Vita customers that games are indeed on the way, with Battle Destiny being notable (shown below). Even Terada has been summoned to talk about the forthcoming PSP game Super Robot Wars Z 2 Saisei-hen, which whilst technically not a PS Vita game per se it can be run on the system (just like Hakai-hen already is). That aside, the game footage of Battle Destiny looks good and seems very much in line with the prior PSP games in the series. If you haven’t done so already, you can also pre-order the game here.
Updated: Despite elsewhere stating that an SRW is being made for the Vita, the video with Terada that we linked doesn’t actually state this. He merely says that they’re investigating how the system works at present. Whilst it’s likely an SRW game will come to the Vita, it’s a bit early to make any such assertions. Saisei-hen will definitely work on the Vita though.