News: Gundam Seed Battle Destiny Announced
Posted on : 28-12-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PS Vita
In a slightly surreal turn of events, Famitsu went live with a full blown update for Gundam Seed Battle Destiny on the PS Vita, only to pull it down pretty much straight away. In any case, the cat is out of the bag now and it seems that Artdink are indeed returning to the Gundam Battle series yet again but this time with souped up graphics and some additional touch screen support for (some) weapon selection. In addition, the PS Vita’s right analogue stick will also be used to control the camera. This is an interesting development as the Gundam Battle games have historically used a circle strafe lock system and a free camera look setup would change that somewhat. This may mean the games may becoming even more like the original Another Century’s Episode series, as they retained a circle strafe lock for movement but with an independent camera. The other big shift is the fact that this will be the first Gundam Battle game to be exclusively non-UC in terms of the timeline featured. As the name says, this game will be all things Gundam Seed and the roster of series it covers is suitably thorough. Whilst we’re not fans of Seed, we’re happy to see Artdink back in the saddle again and we’re hoping this will be a return to form after the depressingly and uncharacteristically dire Gundam Assault Survive. Apparently the game is around 70% complete and will be released in Spring of next year.
Update: Famitsu has updated their site with the breakdown on the game.

Astray, I can get behind.
Main storylines… I can tolerate if the game holds up.
This game will go well if it doesn’t repeat the same mistake of Assault Survive and Battle Memories. However this game is still not good enough for me to get VITA which i will get one if VITA ever got a new SRW or Gundam Vs Extreme.
Even if almost every other aspect of Seed totally sucks, that red frame is pretty cool.