News: Gundam Musou 3 Update
Posted on : 15-10-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
4Gamer has some nice new shots of Gundam Musou 3, showing off its nice cel shading amongst other things. The post also talks more about the new features in the game, though these were also present at TGS (you can read our impressions here). Specifically, the partner system and how that different units you select will do different things. From the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero spewing beams of localised death, to the beefier MRX-009 Psycho Gundam decimating an entire area. Some fields will also have extra properties if you capture them, such as a catapult being able to instantly transport you to other fields in the level. Finally, the game will be building on its dashing system in a manner partially similar to the “next” dash in the Gundam Versus games. Allowing the player to evade enemy attacks more easily. The game is still scheduled for its Japanese released on December 16th for 7,800 yen. You can pre-order the (region free) PS3 version here. Whilst there is a 360 version as well, we can’t verify it’s regioning status but if you have a Japanese console you can also pre-order it here.

To be honest, I find non-Gundam Musou series games to be far more boring and bland. The dashing system adds a great sense of speed, and the field system is much easier to gauge victory with, compared to the “kill the guy who’s spawning more guys” aspect of the Three Kingdoms Musou games. To be fair, I haven’t played Fist of the North Star one, but it looked as bland and uninteresting as the Three Kingdoms ones. I guess I must just have a real soft spot for giant robots…
In any case, looking forward to a possible english release, since waiting for that gives me more financial breathing room for ACE Portable and Portal 2 early next year.
Hold up, they released the english demo for Fist of the North Star Musou recently. And it really doesn’t interest me much, but I must admit, it has some nice ideas, where different fighters have different styles of gameplay. It’s a nice change from Three Kingdoms Musou, but still pretty bland.
Just a tidbit, Gundam Physalis and Death Scythe Hell have made their debuts in Famitsu magazine. At least one of those has been a constant source of “they should add it next” syndrome on most GM forums I’ve seen.