News: Gundam Mokuba no Kiseki Release
Posted on : 25-01-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Despite a somewhat unfortunate release date, sharing it with Armored Core V of all things, Gundam Mokubo no Kiseki will be gracing Japanese shops sometime today (as it’s already “tomorrow” in Japan due to the time difference). 4Gamer commemorates this brave release date with yet another update about the game. We’re definitely interested in picking this game up eventually and review it but we’re going to be pretty busy with Armored Core V for a good while. In the meantine you can still pre-order the game here.

When Famitsu gives your game an average score you know you’ve done something wrong.
May be just too complex for them.
Or it’s a genre they’re not familiar with and, equally likely, Bamco didn’t pay them off for a good review.
Or it isn’t called “Biohazard”.
I want to see gameplay now.
Found some actually.
Put this on Western PSN, give it a network, PvP option, and hardcore Gundam and strategy fans will shove sticky money at you Bandai.
Don’t ask why its sticky, just take it.