News: Gundam Mokuba no Kiseki Commands Breakdown
Posted on : 13-11-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Famitsu has a new update on the forthcoming PSP Gundam strategy game Mokuba no Kiseki. Specifically it covers some of the game’s commands and in part explains the two battle modes present. In terms of the latter, it seems there is not only a wider battle mode but also a localised battle mode too. The wider battle mode allows the player to move squads of units around, whereas the localised mode allows for micro management of each pilot. Subsequently the commands are broken down between these modes. The wider battle mode commands are as follows; hidden enemy search, accelerating to cover more distance (similar to SRW) and the ability to spread Minovsky particles to cover your squad’s movements (this is what the prior “hidden enemy search” ties into as well). It’s interesting that unlike older RTS games, where the player has to investigate unknown areas this game will allow players to blanket out their presence at will. This is a really nice touch as something that’s always been missing in Gundam games is the whole way the Minovsky particle effectively rendered contemporary warfare obsolete within the context of the narrative. As for the localised commands, these are; supporting nearby allies and evacuate nearby danger. Overall, this is sounding like an interesting little strategy game and one we’ll be keeping a close eye on.