News: Gundam Extreme Versus Updates
Posted on : 24-05-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Arcade
Despite our tardiness, there have been a few updates regarding the wonderful Gundam Extreme Versus. Specifically, the addition of new units from the MSN-001A1 Delta Plus to the AMX-004-3 Qubeley Mark II. 4Gamer has two pieces on the new units here and here. In addition, at the end of May another two more units will surface. Specifically the XM-X2 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai and XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell. As always with each new update, we yearn for the news of a console port of which there is still no news for. There are rumours that once the arcade updates come to an end a home port will happen, that makes quite a bit of sense but we just wish they’d hurry it up.
Update: 4Gamer now has a piece on the two new units appearing at the end of May.

I hope for the sake of PS3 owning Gundam fans around the world are hoping those rumors are true.
Having played Extreme Vs. in Akihabara when visiting Japan my first impression was always “this would be a perfect next gen answer to Fed vs Zeon or Alliance vs ZAFT for the console” and considering that it is on the same arcade system as Tekken 6 it should have been done long ago
As long as these units dont magically change into DLC when it finally reaches the PS3.
where the hell is our port? I don’t fully understand what they’re waiting for.
Surely it can’t be them waiting for the PSN to be up and running properly
To Namco Bandai:PS3,XB360 or both I don’t care just bloody port it already
they’ve had more than enough time prior to PSN going bust to even announce their intention of a port. Not even that has happened.