News: Gundam Extreme Versus Game Modes Update
Posted on : 04-10-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
4Gamer has a piece on the console port of Gundam Extreme Versus and its all new game modes. From a new “Trial Mission” setup, where you can clearly face off against Crux Dogatie in the skeletal EMA-10 Divinidad (shown above). In addition, the limited release XM-X1 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai Kai “Skull Heart” in the arcade edition appears to be a fully accessible unit in the console port (as also shown above). Following on from that there are two confirmed PS3 exclusive mobile suits in the game, that of the GN-002 Gundam Dynames and the MBF-P03 Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L. You can still pre-order the game here.

I’m still hoping for X-3 in this, but if he turns out to not be present I’ll settle for Full Cloth.
At least I’ll have Tobias Arrownax in something.
Wouldn’t X-3 be redundant considering the X-1 and 2 are already in and look just like it?
Somewhat yes, but it’s really a personal request in vain.
However! The X-3 does have some features that X-1 and X-2 don’t have, X-3 has I-Field coming his hands, he has a different weaponset than X-1 and…
He’s blue.
Still crossin my fingers for Extreme Gundam to be unlockable playable. Not the phases, just Extreme.
Wait…are full 3-D space maps back?
I don’t now if I’m the only one who loved them in FvZ DX, but it would be great to see it again 😛
Never played any of those, are they that great?
They can be difficult and confusing. They don’t make for good direct combat like ground maps do, but they can be fun. They’re also better maps for having mobile armor battles, since the mobile armors can actually move all over and be a greater and more interesting threat.
lol, yeah that pretty much sums it up. I just liked the immersive feel it gave, I mean whats a true Mobile Suit battle without 360 degree space battlefields 😛
Plus team tactics tend to involve more stratagey, however the controls are confusing at first, once you find out the “Trick” to initiating which direction to move in it get easy to move around.
I’m interested, anyone got a video for me to a relevant stage?
Here’s one from Zeta Gundam VS Gundam (still a great game, if bit dated, by the way):
Looks quite slow compared to the regular ground based gameplay I’m used to by now. Would want to try it though.